I'm counting the days now..can't hardly wait for the holiday!! Ok I know the break is not really a holiday, it's called 'Revision Break'---> it sounds soo contradicting aite? But anyway, this break I have number of things to settle especially with the UMNO activities and the upcoming international night that will be held close to the exam week. That's the reason why we need to prepare it wayy early (1month ahead).
Tomorrow I will have a dinner with a few friends in the city. I don't know the real purpose of this dinner in the mid-week but one thing for sure, we'll gonna have fun! Yerp, we should have fun before the tiring placement the next day, hey? I really hope the placement will not be too bad and hopefully I can enjoy the last placement for this year :) The placement before this was good, I learned so much and it was very enjoyable. The clinical pharmacist was really helpful (not because she gave me good marks tho), she never tired of answering my endless questions hehe..or maybe she is, but not showing it to me?haha hopefully not! Isk, I sounded like a kid who just experienced a first day in school hey? So I better stop the crap now.
Damn..now the internet connection is down AGAIN..I probably cant publish it at the moment
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