Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Books and Breaks

wohooo... it's been what...7 months since the last entry?...

'booohooo' to my myself, another attempt to be a frequent writer just failed. So much had happened since then, but writing all of them here may take ages to finish. I'm currently having a long's really long. A sentence to describe it, it makes sleeping isn't an enjoyable activity anymore. Coz I have lots, lots of it! Like yesterday, I went to bed at 11pm, finished up another John Grisham book by 12.30am and I woke up at 11am the next day, (woke up for Subuh prayer in between, of course). Almost twelve hours of sleep straight! I felt so lazy to force myself out from the cozy and warm bed, I'd rather stay in there for the whole day. I know, I know lazy bum..

By the way, since I have nothing to do at the current moment, I've borrowed many books from the library, yeah to kill the time and keeps my brain working. Different kinds of books from history, autobiography, fiction to romance. The librarian scanned the books while saying to me, 'You like to read different genres of books do you?'. Yeah I do since I'm on my holiday, I have all the time for the boring stuffs. Of course I didn't say that instead I just stood there and just managed to give her a plain smile. Too lazy to be involved in any friendly chat.

At the time being, I finished up two books and currently reading an autobiography of ' The Women of Windsor.' If you're wondering, yes it is a book that tells the tales of the royal family of the Buckingham Palace. From the Queen Elizabeth, to her daughter, another Elizabeth and Princess Margaret and Princess Anne. (Till now I still don't understand, why do they have same names to their children?). By the way, I'm only half way through the book, but the book is interesting, giving the insight of their live as the public figure. What amazed me the most is, they actually did something beneficial to the people, ie helping the war victims, HELPING and not just visiting during the war world II. Apart from that, the story goes on about, their life...when they were young, they have to find a suitable husband and when they're married, they have to save the marriage ....and it also describe how these women can hold the nation together. Hoho..big words aren't they? I spent my time reading about their lives not that I'm really interested about the royals, as the matter of fact, I love to know the lives of different people from different walks of life. The poor to the wealthy. One thing in common about these people, life is not perfect. For us, the grass is always greener on the other side, but if we're in their shoes, we might think otherwise.

Okay, I've rambled a lot here, I should get my laundry done. The sun is out bright today. Don't I love sunny days? Hehe...Later!


verarak vendung velabu said...

the only person that doesn't love long holidays....

c@myK@m|L said...

haha...unique la tuh kan kirenye? :P