Thursday, July 26, 2007

Notebook Quest

For the past 30 days, I've treated my laptop really nicely- typing with full gentleness, never ever moved it, wouldn't let the desk to quiver and even did not allow any of my friends come near it, let alone touch it. Hoho..unconditional love for my precious isn't it? Yeah.. right..

All these due to my over-sensitive laptop, yes you read it correctly, over-sensitive. It wouldn't compensate any movements done to it, coz if not, the power will cut off and wahlaaa... it just turn off! You may ask, don't you have battery to back the power up? Yes, indeed I do. But, unfortunately, the battery has worn out and already incapable of doing what it is supposed to do. Since I couldn't get the new battery here (thanks to 'world wide' service of twinhead), my brother had bought a new one for me, but another unfortunate event- the battery was designed for a different model. Yup, a wrong one! Haha..(I even can laugh at this, sorry bro!).

But, there's actually no point of getting a new batt, the power cable has long caused a big problem. Sent it off for repair, still no difference, only that my dad's pocket got slimmer. Labour cost is expensive, you know! I have to attach the cable to a very specific angle for it to work, that is, to supply the power. If it is slightly detached due to any movement, then, as I mentioned, it turned to a black screen. 'Damn!' is already an overly expressed word.

It got even worst when there's a last minute assignments or reports need to be done. To be extra cautious, I have to save my work after every four words that I've typed. It's really frustrating, but what else can I do? Also, it's a problem when it just turn off without notice in the middle of a conversation with a cute classmate on worst can that be? Haha. Irrelevant, I know. The main point here, it is driving me nuts every day! It's already old by the way, turning four by end of this year, which definitely means I need a new notebook!

So, I did some survey since last week to find the best deal of brand new notebooks in town and on the web. Being a lil bit(ehem) of dumb a** in this technology field, I required lots of help from my peers. At least now I know about RAM and the hard drive capacity..., hehe this is major improvement you know. My learning is progressing and hopefully by the end of this quest, I'll know everything about computers..hihi..

I've surveyed notebooks from Toshiba, Acer, Compaq, Sony, Dell, Fujitsu, Mac and many more which in the end only makes me even more confused.Too many great notebooks on the market, but due to a small budget, it limits the search range, in a good way that is :) One thing for sure, I'll go the one with pink colour! (providing the price within the budget) ;)

Any good recommendations for new notebook, let me know, yah? Time for my beauty sleep, later!


Anonymous said...

wahaha..after dis u can be our IT expert,hehe
nway,juz knew dat u r so good at keeping secret ;p

Filed Under Life said...

depends on what features you want on it.

but can't go wrong with sony.

verarak vendung velabu said...

cecece, camy dah tau RAM tu ape.. great job lah!!, wow, sape yg comment blog ko tuh...glemer seyh

c@myK@m|L said...

to wanzu: haha now u know! i'm all rounder, good at keeping secrets and also good at gossip mongering..haha contradiction!

to filed under life: i love sony! but the price is waaay beyond budget :(

to hiswani: haha, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love Mac..i recommend you to use Mac! :D