Since he's here, we spent our time to shop some wedding stuffs, especially the hantarans. Mine, was almost complete, so we focus the things for him and not to forget our rings! After visiting many shops in Gurney Plaza, he got his (yay!) and I got mine, well, almost(half yay!). For 'school-girl' finger like mine (as said by the sales assisstant), my ring has to be resized. So, it will take another couple of weeks before I can have it (plus a few complications). Oh, did I mention how I love my soon-to-be ring? hehe. It's nothing fancy, it's just a simple ring but I love the fact that I chose it with him. That's all matters :)
Wedding stuffs aside, he needed a book in MPH,

but all I did was bugging him to take picture with me. Hehehe...

After spending a day and half in the mall, we needed some fresh air, so off we went to Bukit Bendera. My mom wanted to come here since last year, but it was closed for renovation. Now it has opened, and I should take my mom here too. The place is lovely, but we went there in the afternoon so the weather was really hot. The parking was a bit difficult, we managed to find a parking spot but quiet faraway and we have to walk with the sun straight on our heads. Hot! Hot! Since it was weekend, they are many, many people there but we did not have to wait too long to get into the cable car. So, it was not that bad. Oh, don't forget to bring your ICs and your student card if you are here because they charged differently for foreigners.
We snapped a few pictures, but since we're using just a normal camera, the pictures were not too pretty. However, I will post them here still.
The ticket.
The transit to the cable car. With air-cond here, niceee
People rushing into the cable car.
View on the way up
Yay, we're up here already
See that signboard?
I wanted to take picture with it, but there were many people taking pictures there. So, I have to wait with 'faster-I-need-to-take-pic-with-it-too' face. When finally it was my turn, I was happily posing there, ready for my picture to be taken but my photographer was out of sight. Huh? Seriously?
Missing in action because he was busy taking picture of this....
And when I asked why, he replied, 'This was then the Sultan of Kelantan.' =_=
Ayoo semangat kenegerian sungguh la fiance ku ini huhu
And then, finally!:)
The stalls at Bukit Bendera.
Great for a very hot day like this.
Us hehe
Okey that's all for now, wait for my another post (might be 2months from now haha!).
baru naik jugak png hill!!! suke train die lajuuu :P
weh korang 2 mkn bnyk sket plsss
weh ko naik ke? tak cite pun. aku baru je tau die dah bukak. huhu. lambat tak?
siyes, tatau nk mkn ape utk gmok skit.
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